Tag Archives: religion

Don’t settle for surface comments, even mine!

An editorial recently printed in our Frederick newspaper asked the question, What is an American? It was by Fred Fransen, President of Huntington Junior College in W.Va. He pointed out that our country was founded on ideas or principles that have endured up until recent decades. It is again time Dr. Fransen believes to take a hard look at those values.

It seems to me that this means looking beyond the surface declarations to the substance upon which declarations are made. This is what I was referring to last week on the issue of abortion rights which has become central in our current election cycle. I pointed out that a number of other moral issues precede the need to consider an abortion. This need to look beyond the surface is apparent, or should be, in most of what we hear and read.

I’ve said that my basis for writing is as a Christian seeking to base my judgments on the values and will of our Lord as understood through God’s Word in Holy Scripture. It is pointed out that much of Mr. Trump’s support is from a large block of Evangelical Christians. But again, this is a statement that needs to be examined.

An article in The Economist weekly of March 2021 asked the question “What is an evangelical Christian?” After looking at recent history since Jimmy Carter’s presidency in 1976 the article noted that “white evangelicals have established themselves as America’s most cohesive and influential religious voting block. … They have become “the bedrock of the Republican Party. After insisting throughout the 1990’s that character mattered, and that Bill Clinton was morally unfit for the presidency, they threw their support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married rake.” It was then asked, “So what do evangelical Christian really believe?”

A recent article in World magazine noted that “some Americans who self-identify as ‘evangelicals’ to pollsters do not actually attend church regularly. Increasingly, the term is used more in a “political, cultural sense than a theological church sense,” said political scientist Ryan Burge. He predicted these “cultural evangelicals” will make up about 12 percent of Trump’s self-identified evangelical voters in 2024. Others have said that they are willing to overlook Mr. Trump’s moral issues because he is the only one who can beat Mr. Biden.

Thomas Edsall of The New Your Times had an article entitled “The Deification of Donald Trump Poses Some Interesting Questions”. I’ll let the article’s title speak for itself. You can look it up on the internet if you care to. I’ve already declared my personal opposition to Mr. Trump for President. I’ve said enough about that and it is not my central issue. I’m looking at the shallowness of our evaluations and our need to stand firm on a foundation of well considered values.

Jesus, on trial and standing before Pontius Pilate said, “I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” (John 18:37-38) That is our challenge, to determine what is the truth. I leave it with you to seriously consider. It is a very serious question and one that can lead to some personal sacrifice and pain. It certainly did for our Lord.

Observations on the American Political Climate

I have never gotten involved in politics except for my own voting preferences. But this year is different, at least in my making some comments about what is happening nationally. Our country is in total confusion and grabbing at straws, primarily because we have lost our central anchor point in our Judeo-Christian foundation.

America has been the so called world leader, but we are now in a position where we don’t even know how to lead ourselves. I know these are statements of an “old man” whose values are grounded in another era. I thank God for that, even though that other era was no utopia either. At least it didn’t have me submersed in an electronic screen, and it allowed me to use my imagination, look out at the world asking questions, and develop real relationship with people who became a part of me.

What does Make America Great Again mean? I wrote above that we have lost our central anchor point in our Judeo-Christian foundation. That doesn’t mean that we are not to allow other faiths to worship as they wish, but we have taken the whole aspect of inclusion to change the very foundation of our souls.

I can’t continue what I’m seeking to share by using veiled references to a candidate. I am totally opposed to Mr. Trump for President. But that doesn’t mean I’m recommending another candidate. That’s my own personal voting preference. Rather, I look at what is happening around our country in those promoting their favorite candidate.

Many have pointed out that President Trump appointed the conservative Supreme Court Justices who were the balance in overturning the legalization of abortion. For many the opposition to abortion has become a central determining issue. I’m opposed to abortion also, but there is far more to it than that. Abortion, presented as a women’s right over her own body, is only the end point of many other moral choices we’ve allowed to become normal and assumed values in today’s world.

I understand the concern when a pregnancy puts the mother’s life in danger, but that is a small percentage of aborted pregnancies. The far larger numbers represents the devaluation of marriage and family; an economy that requires the employment of both spouses in order to have the lifestyle they want; thus pushing off child bearing to a later age when it is more difficult or not at all; removing sexual intercourse from the bond of a covenant marriage and making it an assumed part of a longer term dating relationship; along with the easy availability of contraceptives and abortifacient drugs. The affects of all of these and more are seen throughout western society.

Mr. Trump is hardly an exemplary leader in areas of sex, marriage, and family. And while that is not a political leaders primary function, if they have not sought to govern their own life in these fundamental areas I am not going to look to them as a good national leader. Making America great is meaningless without a solid and consistent moral base.

An LA Times article questioned whether humans can survive democracy. A better question is whether democracy can survive fallen humanity. ….. “A democracy can only be sustained if informed citizens operate within a moral framework. This, in turn, requires an understanding of the world as it actually is, especially what it means to be human. Elected representatives who can’t distinguish good from evil, or “man” from “woman” can hardly be expected to enact policies that allow men and women to seek the good.”

There is much more to say about our need for good leadership, but one must not look only at narrow issues that seem to satisfy surface policies and only give the appearance security, prosperity, and a good life.

Good Morning April 24

Dear Christian family and friends,

You likely noticed that I did not send out my usual Good Morning paragraph. It is time, I believe, to put those messages on hold for a while. In seeking to write these last few days, especially this morning, I struggled far more that usual with the right way to convey what I wanted. Whenever I encountered that in the past it turned out as an indication I was going in the wrong direction. I feel that is what our Lord is telling me now. I have so much I want to say, but we are a different time than any of us has faced before. I think our Blessed Lord is saying (to me at least) be quiet, and listen. You may remember a few days ago I used the verse from Isaiah 30:15, God calling us to quietness and trust. Facing our present time, I think this is where we all need to be. Our Lord Jesus, loves, cares deeply for, and still guides His people.
My wife and I are fine. We are well, except for trying to get a few aging things repaired. You are always in our prayers. Continue to pray for us. If you care to write or call please do. We’re not going anywhere. Our address and e-mail remain the same. And as the “stay at home” order begins to be lifted, we will see, and hug, many of you again.
For the time being Good Morning messages will remain quiet. But never forget, or fail to trust the truth I’ve been seeking to convey for years – Jesus loves you very much. He gave His life to redeem you, and He can be trusted to walk with you no matter where you must go.
In the love of Jesus our Lord,
Irvin F. Stapf, Jr.

Pastor Emeritus, Christ Lutheran Church
cell: 240-285-4472

Good Morning April 23

One of the 12 our Lord chose to be an Apostle was named Barnabas. The name Barnabas means Son of consolation or son of exhortation, son of comfort. That is just the way this man lived and worked among the Apostles and the early Christians. First century Christians were facing difficult times with many challenges, fears, and sacrifices confronting them all. Sons of encouragement, consolation, exhortation, and comfort were very much in need. Barnabas worked where he was able to fill that need. We all face a difficult time in our world confronted by sacrifice, fear, and death. We all need to hear from Barnabas. Many of our hymn writers knew this for whatever times they faced. They sought to give encouragement and comfort which is now their enduring gift to strengthen God’s people. One hymn written by Frederick M. Lehman marveled and rejoiced in the depth of God’s love for His people. It was written in 1917 by Lehman when he was serving as a pastor in Kingsley, Iowa. He had no real concept at the time of the toll both the war and the approaching flu epidemic would take, but Pastor Kingsley knew that whatever his people faced in whatever time, they needed to know the strong love that their God had for them. Their Heavenly Father who had given the life of His only begotten Son to redeem them, would certainly see them through the times they (and we) face now.
The love of God is greater far

Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.
Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.

Good Morning April 22

I’ve probably shared this story with you before, but I think it can be helpful in these difficult days. When I was a kid our Sunday evenings were often spent at my grandparent’s home in West Baltimore. After supper was finished, and dishes washed, the family usually gathered back around the dining table playing a game of Canasta. Many younger folks, never heard of it. but it was a card game that made for a fun evening. My grandfather was a competitive person and would play to win. Using all the proper rules of the game he didn’t mind shutting someone else out. My grandmother would look over at him and complain, “Oh George, your not playing Christian!” Her idea was to help the other person win. Some years later, after my granddad died, she would occasionally visit us. She was introduced to football broadcasts on our 18 inch, black and white, RCA console TV. She would watch with the family and cheer for whoever had the ball. Like the card games the family played in her dining room she was happy to see others win, and if possible to help them. There is noting wrong with playing a card game fairly to win, or wanting to see your favorite team score, but her idea of being a Christian really is not a bad lesson for life, especially in times of trial. We should be dong all we can to help the other guy win, and many really are. We are all facing these present times of pain, fear, and personal sacrifice. We’ve seen some act out of selfishness, hoarding, and demanding their due. But it has been wonderful to see many people willing to give of themselves in personal sacrifice, and others being creative with their talents to bring some joy and beauty to those around them. What can we do to help others win?

Good Morning April 21

My wife and I had a visit to a doctor’s office a while back. We sat for a time in the waiting room. The TV was on to one of the daytime programs. No one in the room was paying the least attention to the TV. The same had been true wherever we go. Restaurants have music, usually bad, or TVs around the walls. Ear buds are in many ears. Are we really so afraid of silence? There is something spiritually significant here, and especially for the times in which we currently find ourselves. Quietness reaches to our inner being allowing God’s Spirit to speak to our hearts. Noise blocks Him out. God said through the Prophet Isaiah, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”(30:15) Repentance, that is, turning to face our Lord, coming humbly to rest before Him. In quietness and trust we draw upon His strength. Unfortunately, God immediately followed this statement to Isaiah’s people saying, “but you would have none of it.” Tragic, and it led to their downfall. Quietness, calmness of heart and mind, is a beautiful thing. It is not to be feared, but embraced. It is not easy, but we recognize that we don’t have all the answers for this or any other challenge of life. We also know everything doesn’t always turn out just the way we would like. It didn’t for our Lord Jesus’ in His earnest prayers in Gethsemane the night before His crucifixion. Yet in yielding in trust to His Father, and ours, He won the greatest victory for all mankind. We will never have to make a sacrifice as great as His, but “in quietness and trust” we have the strength we need for whatever we must face. Make time for quietness before our Lord each day.

Good Morning April 20

On the windowsill in my office I have a number of thing I’ve saved from many years past. Things like a wristwatch with no straps and with the crystal falling out. Not very nice looking and of no monetary value, but it was the watch my parents gave me when I was confirmed at 13. There is a glass paper weight that sat on my father’s desk for many years, and a plastic figure of four elephants walking in line that was on my grandparents coffee table. I played with it often on visits, and am likely responsible for the fact that one elephant has no trunk. These things have no value except to me personally. They hold a lot of childhood memories. They also now hold a fascination for our own 4 and 5 year old grandkids. They have been the source of many stories. Like many people who enjoy family treasures, they give a sense of connectedness to people, events, and times of happiness that are important. Most of us are thinking about that connectedness because of the restrictions we face because of the virus outbreak. One of our dear friends at church said she just wants a hug. We were created for relationships, for personal connectedness with one another and with our Lord. But regardless of our personal history, or the conditions imposed by our world, we have a deep and real connectedness in the covenant of our baptism. God has accepted us in Jesus Christ. We are a part of all the saints who have gone before us. The events of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection are events that mean everything for our lives. We are the people of God, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our present restrictions will pass. We will be able to give hugs again. But being a part of the Body of Christ through faith in His Name will never pass away. We are one with all who are in Christ, past, present, and future. You can’t be any more connected than that.

Good Morning April 17

I’m sorry for the length of yesterday’s message. I thought after I sent it off that I’ve written enough about this pandemic. I’ve tried to emphasize that our God is not absent from this life or uncaring. He knows all that we face, and He loves us deeply. He is always working to bring us closer to Himself. I have lots of thoughts about it, hopefully guided by God’s written Word, but I don’t have answers for all the Why questions of today trials. So, for the present, I’ve written enough about this pandemic. Yesterday I ended by highlighting the two great commandments found in Moses’ teaching in Deuteronomy, and given again by our Lord Jesus recorded in the New Testament Gospels. The First, to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we desire to love our gracious Lord in this way, He will open for us what answers we need about what we presently see, and he will bring us peace to trust Him in all that is beyond our understanding. The Second, to love our neighbor as we love ourself. In the context of the First great commandment the Spirit of God will direct our hearts to the persons and needs where He will show His sacrificial love through our hands and resources. Our Lord Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, has demonstrated that our Triune God is deeply a part of this life, and that He loves each and every person, you and me included, enough to give His very life for our redemption. He can be trusted no matter the circumstances of life or our understanding.

Good Morning April 16

Years ago, one of our members worked for a university laboratory doing research for a government space project. He remarked how incredibly complex the overall system was. There were multiple computer systems monitoring every aspect, each with its own fail safe shutdown mode. Every aspect had to function with precise timing or the entire system would not work. We call this progress and laud the wonders of our technological age, and it is. Yet at the same time we have taken that same progress complicating our lives and put great pressure on our ourselves. Like that space program everything has to fit together and continue to work smoothly. The type of employment that provides the income needed; so we can pay the mortgage on the home we desire; have security with our various insurance programs; the home to accommodate the things we enjoy; which gives personal satisfaction; and so on making up one package called life (or in engineering terms – one system) that functions as we want it to. Have one part fail, or be taken away, and we suffers. Our current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic is requiring sacrifices from us all, as well as causing severe hardship, poverty, illness, even death for many. How do we deal with that? It is difficult for any of us to find a clear cut answer. We know that our God created us and loves us. We were designed so that our basic needs were really pretty minimal. Paul wrote to Timothy saying, “If we have our food and clothing we shall be content.”(I Timothy 6:8) We are also greatly missing the fellowship and personal contact with others. I’m not really advocating anything here, and I’m not ready to give up many of the material things I enjoy. But I think we do need to realize the pressure we put on ourselves by the way of life we’ve constructed. Certainly for some their present situation is not their choice, their desire, or in their control. How do we face all that is confronting us? Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”(John 14:27) How do we live continually in the Peace of our Lord Jesus? I think our present situation is asking us to take a clear look both at our own lives, and at our Gracious Lord God who gives us life. Beyond whatever we face in our world, we are always left with the daily task of seeking to live in the two great commandments – to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. There is no better answer, and we can do no more.

Good Morning April 15

The 1960s and ’70s were very active years in the beginning of the Charismatic renewal taking place in both Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. There were several ministers who became very prominent at that time – Derek Prince, Charles Simpson, Bob Mumford, and a few others. The emphasis was on the work of God, the Holy Spirit, and particularly on the nine Spirit-given gifts listed in I Corinthians 12:4-11. Cassette recordings of their teachings were distributed by the thousands. I believe our Lord was in the midst of that movement, though many mistakes were also made. Pastor Bob Mumford once made the remark, “If you want to know what’s in a cup, bump it.” In Jesus’ earthly ministry, He was always seeking to get to people’s hearts, changing them with His love. It’s what’s in the depth of each life that guides their actions. The Lord saw the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and challenged it. He saw the openness and lack of any deceit in Nathanael that He would nurture, and cause to grow. We are in the midst of the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. I have remarked in past Good Morning paragraphs about the different responses we are seeing to the trials placed upon us. Our cup is being bumped! It is not that the Lord wants to see what is in our hearts. He already knows. He wants us to see it more clearly, and willingly receive Philip’s invitation to “Come and see” the Messiah from the humble village of Nazareth. (John 1:45-49) It is He who touches and changes hearts to bring forth a cleansed and new life.